
Friday, November 09, 2007

He tried to break his leg

Benfica midfielder Augistin Binya deserves an 8 match ban for his horrific tackle on Celtic midfielder Scott Brown that could have ended his career.

I am amazed Brown got up from the challenge. When I saw it, I thought, whoa, that is a broken leg. I can't understand what Binya was thinking. He had a decent game, although Benfica were tiring quickly as the game wore on but that challenge, that was strait out of the book of horrors.

Judge for yourself, it was 110% intentional for my money:

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

cant bear to look at it

11/09/2007 2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

horrific tackle! if i was one of scott browns team mates, you'd have to use machinary to pull me off the coward!

i agree with the poster, he deserves a big ban, uefa have to throw the book at him.

what did thatcher get for the tackle on mendez? something along the same lines as that would be right.

11/09/2007 4:29 PM  
Blogger Gentleman said...

Hello Football Commentator, I am a fellow football fan and happen to come across your blog while blog hopping. I was wondering if you would like to exchange links.



11/10/2007 12:09 PM  
Blogger Bruno Ribeiro said...

Binya is a violent player. In the portuguese league he already "provided" some of those outrageous tackles (none, however, as violent as this one).

11/10/2007 4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nasty Tackle! He went in with intend to hurt and even cripple! And as for the ban!? A season wouldnt be long enough! If footballers resort to shameless tackles like that then the sport is doomed!

11/12/2007 5:01 PM  

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