
Monday, June 18, 2007

Miguel Veloso

Watching all the games of the UEFA Under 21 Championships so far, the one player that has impressed me more than any other is Miguel Veloso of Sporting Lisbon. Arsenal have their sights set on him, but Manchester United could prove a spoiler as they have a right of first refusal.

The Portuguese is a natural defensive midfielder and has been so impressive of late he is already challenging for a place on the senior side, where Felipe Scolari sees the 21 year old as a potential stalwart for midfield as Portugal challenge for a Euro 2008 place.

Physically they are different but there are a lot of similarities to Patrick Vieira, especially in terms of tenacity and passing. Veloso shows great composure and excellent technique. He has a great free kick as well as the ability to link up play. The 21-year-old admits he would be interested in a move to England:

"There is a lot of quality in England and for any young player it is an attractive proposition."

Reports in Portugal claim Arsene Wenger will approach Sporting Lisbon to discuss a transfer within weeks.

Veloso's agent Paulo Barbosa confirmed interest:

"There are some big European clubs in for the kid, but not only clubs from England but also Spain - but the subject is exclusively for Sporting, Veloso has a deal signed until June 2013 and club is not willing to negotiate his exit."

Gunners boss Arsene Wenger had Veloso and Joao Moutinho watched in all three of Portugal U21's group games at the European Championships. Veloso is also on Manchester United's radar screen and have a first refusal agreement with Sporting which could potentially keep him away from Arsenal. You would imagine after signing Owen Hargreaves from Bayern Munich there would not be much interest but nonetheless, United have also been tracking the player closely and had scouts at Portugal’s games to watch him.

Couldn’t find a decent video compilation of his skills, so here is a goal from a free kick at the U-21 Championships:

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw him vs Isreal and he was brilliant!!

6/18/2007 3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

young young young

all we ever do is look at young players for cris sake

can we bring some experience in to the side please?

6/18/2007 3:58 PM  

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